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Our Visual Schedule Builder (VSB) allows you to draw shifts on your schedule. You just decide where you want a shift to start on the calendar canvas and using your mouse click on the start time and drag to the end time. You can move shifts, shorten or lengthen them, copy to different days and copy weekly schedules forward so you only need to make the schedule once and tweak your weeks as you go. You can colour code shifts, add labels, change views to show more information or less and focus on one or all seven days.
RecStaff understands that organizations often share staff. When you’re trying to assign a staff member to a shift the system will let you know if the person is working in another department at the same time or some other time during the day. We make sure that you know how many hours a person works in a week regardless of department.

Work assignments are the jobs staff do during their shifts. If you want to let staff know what they are doing during a shift you would do so by adding work assignments. You can also add breaks to shifts via work assignments which can be paid or unpaid. Work assignments can pass down to payroll and trigger different payrates, to ensure staff are paid correctly for whatever work they do.

Staff can post shifts they are unable to work. But managers set the rules - you decide whether staff can pick up posted shifts on a first come first service basis or require manager approval. RecStaff also allows you to require manager approval to post a shift in the first place. You can also allow certain staff members first come first serve pick up and others to require manager approval. Shifts can be split allowing staff to keep a portion of their shift but give up the rest. Roles and work assignments can be defined as unpostable which means some shifts won’t be able to be split because of this. We've taken all our customers' unique shift swapping requirements and added them to RecStaff making it the most comprehensive shift swapping on the market!

RecStaff is a mobile-optimized web app that allows your staff to do everything they need to do on their phone, from receiving shift notifications to checking their dashboard. Staff can post and pick up shifts, send internal messages, check credentials, view their calendar, change their availability and submit time off requests. With a busy workforce who are always on their phone it just makes sense to have their work schedule on there too.

RecStaff will keep track of all your staff's credentials, qualifications and awards and it will alert staff and managers when credentials are expiring with enough lead time to ensure staff can renew their certification.
With RecStaff, credentials aren't just an afterthought, hidden away in a sub-menu somewhere. Credentials are integrated throughout RecStaff. You will see credential alerts at the point of assigning shifts so you don't end up with somebody on deck who is missing a qualification. And RecStaff can prevent staff from picking up shifts if they have an expired credential.

RecStaff knows that communication makes for less confusion and a happier workplace. Staff will know when they’re working because they receive a text, email or both with shift notifications and any shift modifications. Posting and picking up of shifts can be communicated to staff and managers can send messages to staff members when needed. Credentials, timesheets and time off requests information are also communicated via RecStaff.

RecStaff has a powerful timesheet and payroll module that can handle even the most complex environments. Whether you just want to track hours against cost centres, or go the whole nine-yards and track multiple pay grades, rates and premiums down to the work assignment level for each staff member, RecStaff can handle it.
Our timesheet workflow eliminates the need for paper forms, reduces chance for errors and will save you from having to chase after your staff . And once you are finished a payroll period, RecStaff can generate reports, export the data into an Excel format or produce an extract that can be uploaded to your HR system.

RecStaff helps you stay on top of your labour costs by providing different ways to visualize and report on your scheduling information. You can easily run reports that let you track the staff performance indicators that you care about most. If we don't have the report you need in our current library we can create custom reports that fit your specific business needs. Reports can be exported to PDF, Excel and other formats.

We get you up and running FAST. We start by listening in order to understand your environment and your challenges. We explain how RecStaff works and how to configure it for your needs. Then we take your data, set up your RecStaff environment and create accounts for you and your staff. We even help you create your first schedule!
We understand that you already have a day job so we remove as much of the learning curve as we can. We want your adoption of RecStaff to be as seamless as possible and when we help that happens.
Our implementation process comes with the training you need to get up and running fast. We employ strategically timed training sessions that will coincide with the milestones you’ll face when first learning how to use the system.
Our support desk lets you get in touch with us quickly via email or phone if you’re having problems with your RecStaff account. We strive to answer all our help calls in a timely fashion so you won’t be left hanging and waiting and hanging ….(you get the picture). We also have a YouTube channel with videos tutorials and help files on our app.
Need a payroll extract, a report or feature we don’t have? No worries, because you’re our only customer what you need chances are someone else will so we’re happy to work with you on any customization you require.
Your Data
We take data security very seriously - it's built in to our product and all our processes. Our systems run in top-tier data centres at multiple locations to prevent outages. And for privacy reasons, we can store your sensitive data in Canada or the US. Call us and let our techies talk acronyms with your IT folks.